Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Poor neglected blog...

...I've been updating forums as opposed to this blog, so here's a summary of pics

Also, there's a battle report, which is Here


  1. I love your wood elves. They are so stylish and cool. Any chance you could do a walkthrough of how you painted them?

  2. Hey dude, sorry I completely missed this comment! Sure thing,

    First dry brush the whole model scorched brown, then bestial brown, so all pouches, straps etc are already taken care of, an it brings other deals out so you can see where to highlight.

    Then: red is mechrite red base, paint over completely with red gore, highlight slowly with mixes of blood red, then mix bronzed flesh into the red for final hilights.

    The yellow is base of iyanden , paint over with bubonic brown, highlight up to bleached bone, then skull White.
